David Millard Traditional Acupuncture est. 1991
for further information please contact:
phone: 0795 153 6574
Migraine Headache and Traditional Acupuncture(2012)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPcZ7acfQHcPsoriasis:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fk4OjzqTzq4
Who has acupuncture? Many people come to acupuncture forhelp with specific symptoms or conditions,and some because they simply feelgenerally unwell.Others choose acupuncture to enhancetheir feeling of wellbeing.Acupuncture is considered suitable forall ages, including babies and children.It can also be used alongside conventionalmedicine.What happens whenI go for treatment?You will be asked about yourcurrent symptoms, whattreatment you have received,your medical history, your diet,digestive system, sleeping patternsand emotional state.I will also feel your pulses on bothwrists, and may ask to look at yourtongue.The acupuncture points used arenot always close to the part of thebody where you experience theproblem. For example, althoughyou might suffer from headaches,needles may be inserted in yourfoot or hand.How many sessionswill I need?Frequency and length of treatmentdepends on your individual condition.Some change is usually felt after six toeight treatments, although occasionallyonly one or two treatments are required.Some patients may need treatment overseveral months or long-term.I will normally ask to see you onceor twice a week at first.Should my doctor know?If you have been prescribed medicationit makes sense to tell your doctorthat you are planning to have acupuncture.You should always tell me about anymedication you are taking as this mayaffect your response to the acupuncturetreatment.Is it safe?Acupuncture has a very sound track record.The needles used are single-use,sterile and disposable.What does it feel like?Acupuncture needles are much finer thanneedles used for injections and blood tests.When the needle is inserted, the sensationis often described as a tingling or dull ache.What can acupuncturedo for me?Acupuncture is widely considered tobe beneficial for a range of illnessesand symptoms, from clearly definedcomplaints such as headaches,vomiting, neck ache, and backand dental pain, through to moregeneral feelings of ill health such asnausea or low energy.Acupuncture is often used in thetreatmentof a variety of conditionsand in conjunction with western medicine.You can get more information about which conditions acupuncture has been used for by visiting the British Acupuncture Council Website:
And to find out just whatacupuncture can do for you,please speak to me, David Millardon 07951 536 574 |